
Monday 30 April 2012

Mnemonic for Cranial Nerves

Using Mnemonic Symbols to Remember Cranial Nerves.                                                                                               April 30, 2012.

By: Tim Johnson

I would like to show you a technique I have created in mnemonic peg system that may help you to remember the cranial nerves.

What is mnemonic peg system? Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized (pre-organized) list of symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc.

So a mnemonic system such as peg system can make memorizing the cranial nerves easier by organizing a set of symbols into peg lists. Then by remembering the set of organized symbols, recall the 12 cranial nerves.

Using a set of symbols called the Mnemonic Character Set . I will show you a technique to memorize the cranial nerves.

The mnemonic for cranial nerves above is an example of how to arrange the symbols for memory work. The table on the right (website) can be used for other information as well.

When the association between the symbols and the cranial nerves are strong enough, you should be able to recall these lists starting at the end or every other nerve.

I have been using this memory technique for over 15 years. My rate of recall for 20 words is 90% or better.  Usually after 3-4 retrials.  That will vary with difficulty of information and personal abilities. You should be able to retain the information longer and re-establish a fragmented list of information faster using this system.. Remember like any discipline your abilities will increase over time.

Over time the connections to old information may not be strong enough to cue it.  Especially if you have not used it for awhile. This will result in the loss of information.  Using the symbols, it will be easier to re-esablish these connections to old information. One experiment  started by memorizing 64 words. At the end of a 3 year period most of the words were lost. After the first retrial I recovered over 80% of the words. 100% recall after the second retrial. No doubt this will vary from person to person.

Try this technique to memorize the cranial nerves.  I hope it will work for you as well has it worked for me.  Again, it is a discipline so be patient.

Visit: Mnemonics Online for more information on the Mnemonic Character Set.          


Mnemonic Technique for Series of Elements.

Using Mnemonic Symbols to Remember Chemistry.                                                                         April 30, 2012.                                                                       

 (right click over table to copy).
By: Tim Johnson                              

I would like to show a technique I have created in mnemonic peg system that may help you to remember some of your chemistry.

What is mnemonic peg system? Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized (pre-organized) list of symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc.

Using a mnemonic system such as peg system can make this memory task easier.  By using a set of symbols for pegs. Then organizing  them into peg lists. Remembering the elements and their order can be much easier.

These are examples of how to use the set of symbols to remember 4 series of elements.

Mnemonics Online:   Actinide Series ,  Halogen Series ,  Lanthanide Series ,  Reactivity Series .

The examples above give you an idea of how to arrange the symbols for memory work. The table above  can be used for organize information when using the symbols.

When the association between the symbols and the elements are strong enough, you should be able to recall these lists starting at the end working backwards to the beginning.

Try this technique to memorize the series of elements.

Visit: Mnemonics Online for more information on the Mnemonic Character Set.   TIM

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Mnemonic Peg System

Hi, My name is Tim Johnson.                                                                               April 11, 2012.

       I have been working with mnemonic peg system for over 20 years.

       Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized
list of  symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc. as  pegs to memorize information. By associating
information with these pegs, then using them to recall or cue the information associated them, it should
be easier to remember the information.

       Building a peg list that can be remembered then is important. If the pegs or the order of the
pegs cannot be recalled properly, it will more difficult to recall the information attached to it.
By using a set symbols called the "Mnemonic Character Set" to build peg lists, remembering
information can be easier. The set of symbols and the order of the symbols are easier to remember
than pegs such as numbers or letters. So the information attached to these symbols will also be easier
to recall.

   Try techniques like:

      Free association:               Using the first thought(s) that you are consciously aware of when
                                               associating external and internal information.                                        
                                         eg. What would the first thought(s) in your mind be if you look at a symbol with a
                                               word in text?    eg.   2 - SWAN.   What did you think of first?  Those                             
                                               thoughts may be good cues to use to associate the 2 with SWAN. 
       Shape example:                Picture the symbol as part of or the whole picture.
                                         eg. Use number 2 to remember the word  SWAN. Think of the shape of
                                               a swan.  Associate the shape with the number 2.            

      You can use just about anything for a peg to build peg lists in mnemonic peg system. But creating peg lists that you will be capable of recalling especially when working with long lists require an order or structure. By using the Mnemonic Character Set  that order can be created for memory work. If used properly you should be able recall information starting at the end of the peg list.  Recall lists using every other symbol in the peg list.

      Mnemonics is a discipline and like all disciplines you will become more proficient with it the more you work with it.


                                                           Mnemonics Online and I will show you how to use
                                                                   the symbols in Mnemonic Character Set
                                                                              to memorize 20 words.