
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Is Seeing Believing?

Little off the topic of mnemonics. But I'd like to share this with you.

What is the more powerful sense. The sense of touch or vision?

This is an experiment I did 20 years ago when studying after images. It may help answer this question.

You will need a xeon flash (camera flash). Computer monitor or television screen. The larger
the better.  I used a CRT (being 20 years ago). An LCD or LED screen should be adequate. A chair and an assistant to hold the flash.

Sit in the chair arm length in front of the monitor. Hold out one arm with your hand on the monitor.

Have the assistant turn the lights off, (Make the room as dark as possible) and hold the flash about 6 inches above and a little behind your head.
Have the assistant trigger the flash once.

Relax and don't move. You should see a full color after image of your arm. Now switch arms quickly.
(Hold out your other arm and place your hand on the monitor).

What do you observe?

You may want to repeat this experiment a few times to get the timing right. Color after images may take 5-10 seconds to dissipate. The black and white images may take 10-20 seconds to dissipate.

I observed when I switched arms before the color after image dissipated.  I could not  feel the movement of my arm and could not feel my hand touching the monitor until the after image dissipated.

My conclusion.  In this experiment vision is more powerful than the sense of touch.


Sunday 11 November 2012

Mnemonics, How to Remember 50 States

Using Mnemonic Symbols to Memorize 50 States.                                      November 11, 2012.

By: Tim Johnson
I would like to show you a technique I have created in mnemonic peg system that may help you to remember the 50 states.

What is mnemonic peg system? Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized (pre-organized) list of symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc.

So a system of mnemonics such as peg system can make memorizing the 50 states easier by organizing a set of symbols into peg lists. Then by remembering the set of organized symbols, recall the words.

Using the symbols in the Mnemonic Character Set . I will show you a technique to memorize the 50 states.   Mnemonics Online. How to Remember 50 States.

Mnemonic for 50 states webpage above is an example of how to use the symbols for memory work.  The table (top) can be used for other information as well. 

After you have memorized the 50 states, use spaced repetition to reinforce the memorized states. ( Recall the 50 states in 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, etc ).  When the association between the symbols and the states are strong enough, you should be able to recall these lists starting at the end or every other word using the symbols to remember the order.

Try this technique to memorize the 50 states.  Remember.  Mnemonics is a discipline, so be patient. 

Visit: Mnemonics Online for more information on the Mnemonic Character Set.           


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Mnemonics, Mnemonic for Blood Cells.

Using Mnemonic Symbols to Memorize Blood Cells.                                     October 30, 2012.

By: Tim Johnson
I would like to show you a technique I have created in mnemonic peg system that may help you to remember the blood cells.

What is mnemonic peg system? Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics to aid memory by using a pre-memorized (pre-organized) list of symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc.

By using a set of symbols, memorizing the blood cells can be easier by organizing the symbols into peg lists and associating the words with the symbols. Then recall the set of organized symbols with words such as blood cells.

Using the symbols in the Mnemonic Character Set. (example above).  I will show you a technique to memorize the blood cells.  Visit:  Mnemonics Online. Mnemonic for Blood Cells.

Mnemonic for Blood Cells webpage above is an example of how to use the Mnemonic Character Set's symbols for memory work. The table at the top of the page is another example on how to build a logical peg list. (right click to copy.)

After you have memorized the blood cells, use spaced repetition to reinforce the memorized words. Eg. (Recall the blood cells in 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours).  Even recall the words after 30 days, 3 months, 6 months. Not only does repeating the information help to reinforce recall. Time also plays a role in memory recall. When the association between the symbols and the blood cells are strong enough, you should be able to recall these lists starting at the end or every other word using the symbols to remember the order.

Try this technique to memorize the blood cells. 

 Remember. Mnemonics is a discipline, so be patient. 

Visit: Mnemonics Online for more information on the Mnemonic Character Set.           

Saturday 6 October 2012

Mnemonics, Mnemonic for the Animal Cell.

Using Mnemonic Symbols to Memorize the Animal Cell:                                     October 6, 2012 .

By: Tim Johnson                                          right click over table to copy ).

I would like to show you a technique I have created in mnemonic peg system that may help you to remember the animal cell.

What is mnemonic peg system? Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized (pre-organized) list of symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc.

A system of pegs can make memorizing the animal cell easier by organizing a set of symbols (pegs) into peg lists. Then by remembering the set of organized symbols (pegs), recall the words.

Using a set of symbols I call the Mnemonic Character Set . I will show you a technique to memorize the animal cell.   Mnemonics Online. Mnemonic for the Animal Cell.

The mnemonic for the animal cell webpage above is an example of how to use the symbols for .memory work. The table (top) can be used for other information as well. 

When the association between the symbols and the animal cell are strong enough, you should be able to recall these lists starting at the end or every other word.

Try this technique to memorize the animal cell.  Remember. Mnemonics is a discipline, so be patient. 

Visit  Mnemonics Online  for all the symbols in the Mnemonic Character Set and a small lesson on how to use them.    TIM     

Saturday 29 September 2012

Mnemonics, Mnemonic Character Set.

Mnemonics, Mnemonic Character Set.                                                                                                   
Hi, My name is Tim Johnson.                                                                   September. 29, 2012.

I have been working with mnemonic peg system for over 20 years.

Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized list of  symbols, words, pictures, sounds, pegs to memorize information. By associating information with these pegs, then using them to recall or cue the information associated them, it should be easier to remember the information.
The set of symbols below the "Mnemonic Character Set" is used to build peg lists. This set of symbols and the order of  the symbols are easier to remember than pegs such as numbers or letters.  So the information attached to these symbols will also be easier to recall. Especially when memorizing large amounts of information.

Start by memorizing the basic symbols. (should only take a couple minutes)  If you understand the pandemonium theory, you may have a better understanding of the how the symbols were created.

Rotate the symbols at 90 degree intervals to create the set. (It shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to memorize the set). Rotate symbols clockwise to the end or start at the end and rotate the symbols anti-clockwise to get back to the beginning. Write it on paper and do it in your mind. Use a dot on the symbols to create a "upper" and "lower" case.

I attach  information directly to the symbol. Unlike Major system , Dominic system, some Peg systems, I do not pre-memorize information to the symbols first. You may do so.

Attach information to the symbols. I use shape example.(Visualizing pictures and attaching the symbols to the pictures) or free association (First thought or thoughts that come to your head) to help find information to attach to the symbol and information your trying to memorize. Memorize in sets of 4.  It is much easier to master 4 words at a time in 5 sets than 20 words all at once.

Use spaced repetition (timed intervals) to reinforce the information with the symbol. Time is also involved  when memorizing. Try 20 minutes, 1 hour , 6 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours.  Most of the information should be retained after 72 hours. Recall the information again after a week, 1 month, 3 months. The more times you recall the information the more accurate and easier it will become.. Or try at breakfast, lunch and supper. Find a schedule suitable for yourself.

Once the information is effectively attached to the symbols. Recall all the information using the symbols as cues.  Rotate the symbols clockwise recalling information to the end of the set. Start at the end of the set rotate the symbol anti-clockwise and go to the beginning.

I hope this crash course in mnemonics will help you to memorize your work.   TIM

Thursday 20 September 2012

Mnemonics, Mnemonic for 50 States.

Using Mnemonic Symbols to Memorize 50 States.                                      September 20, 2012.

By: Tim Johnson
I would like to show you a technique I have created in mnemonic peg system that may help you to remember the 50 states.

What is mnemonic peg system? Mnemonic peg system is a technique in mnemonics used to aid memory by using a pre-memorized (pre-organized) list of symbols, words, pictures, sounds, etc.

So a system of mnemonics such as peg system can make memorizing the 50 states easier by organizing a set of symbols into peg lists. Then by remembering the set of organized symbols, recall the words.

Using the symbols in the Mnemonic Character Set . I will show you a technique to memorize the 50 states.   Mnemonics Online. Mnemonic for 50 States.

Mnemonic for 50 states webpage above is an example of how to use the symbols for memory work.  The table (top) can be used for other information as well. 

After you have memorized the 50 states, use spaced repetition to reinforce the memorized states. ( Recall the 50 states in 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, etc ).  When the association between the symbols and the states are strong enough, you should be able to recall these lists starting at the end or every other word using the symbols to remember the order.

Try this technique to memorize the 50 states.  Remember.  Mnemonics is a discipline, so be patient. 

Visit: Mnemonics Online for more information on the Mnemonic Character Set.           


Sunday 15 July 2012

How to Recall Words Using Mnemonics.

How to Recall Words Using Mnemonics.

The memory system below is a technique in mnemonic peg system. By using the set of symbols (below) as pegs to cue information it is be easier to recall information and the order of information.

Use this table to memorize 20 words: 
1) Memorize the table.

2) Associate the symbols with information one set (4) at a time.
Just as the 3 symbols "dog" will cue the animal.  Use a symbol to do the same.

Try to use associations that are relevant to the information you are memorizing. For abstract     information try free association. 

3) Recall the information using the symbols.                                                             

Use techniques like spaced repetition, (timed intervals) when reinforcing the recall of the memorized information. Eg., Recall the information in 20min, 1hr, 3hrs, and 24hrs and 72hrs.  

It is easier to recall the symbols in your mind than most information. By attaching information to the symbols it will easier to recall the information you are memorizing.

Use the set of symbols below and the table above to memorize 500 words:

Associate the table above with each symbol below using different information for each table.  You should be able to memorize 500 words when the symbols are arranged this way.

Visit: Mnemonics Online  TIM